Anchored - All Other Widget Areas

Quick Links

Each of these additional widget areas can be found by navigating to Appearance > Widgets.

Header Right

By default, this widget space is empty. You can add a navigation menu, an ad banner or your social media icons. For more information on setting a navigation menu in this space, see  this article.

Primary Sidebar

The  Anchored theme displays the Primary Sidebar on all pages, including the Home Page. The widget settings for the Primary Sidebar are as follows:

Nav Social Menu

To add your social media icons to the top navigation of your site, you’ll place a Simple Social Icons widget into the Nav Social Menu widget space. For information on how to set up the social icons, see  here.

Site Wide CTA

This widget area appears between the Home Featured and Home Flexible 1 widget spaces, as well as at the bottom of all other pages. This space could be used for an ad banner or an email newsletter signup, as shown in the demo.

Category Index

The Category Index displays your categories in an organized manner. See  this tutorial for instructions on setting up this feature.

Custom Instagram Page

The Anchored theme includes a custom Instagram Page Template so you can easily customize the content your Instagram followers see directly from the comfort of your WordPress dashboard.

More information on setting up the Custom Instagram Page widget can be found  HERE.

Above Blog Content

The Above Blog Content widget displays the featured images on the Custom Blog page. See  this tutorial for instructions on setting up the Custom Blog page template.

Footer Instagram Widget

The Anchored theme uses the Instagram Feed plugin to import your most recent Instagram posts. For detailed instructions on setting up the Instagram Feed plugin, see THIS TUTORIAL.

To display your Instagram feed in the footer, drag and drop a Custom HTML widget into the Footer Instagram Widget space, using the shortcodes shown below.

Footer 1, 2, & 3

The three Footer widget sections appear above the Instagram Feed. These widget areas have been left empty in the demo, but are ideal spaces for a user profile, featured products, a custom menu, social icons, search widget, etc.

If using the Customizer to setup the widgets, the Footer 1 widget must be created and published before the Footer 2 & 3 widgets become available.

After Entry

Content placed in the After Entry Widget area will display after single entries. A newsletter signup form is shown in the demo.