Splendor - Blog Page Setup

To set up the Blog Page, navigate to Pages > Add New.  Create a new page and simple title it Blog and hit the blue Publish button.

Next, navigate to Settings > Reading and set your settings like the screenshot below.

Note: Your Homepage will be set to whichever home page you selected during installation.

If posts are not propagating on the blog page, follow these steps:

Click the 3 vertical dots in the top right of your screen and from that drop down, select Options at the bottom.

From the panel that pops up, be sure Custom Fields has a checkmark next to it.

If asked to reload the page, say yes.

Scroll down until you see the Custom Fields section.
Select the Enter new Option.
Enter query_args in the name field.
Enter showposts=6 in the value field.

Publish your page. Now all your blog posts are on the blog page!

For more information about how to use query_args, see this article by Studiopress that shows how you can include/exclude specific categories.