Simply Charming - Image Sizes, Colors, & Fonts

Image Sizes

  • Featured Images
    • Featured Image: 900 x 600
    • Featured Image Vertical: 600 x 900
  • Shop Images
    • Catalog Images: 300 x 300
    • Single Product Image: 600 x 600
    • Product Thumbnail: 180 x 180
  • Other
    • Logo: 1000 x 200
    • Content: up to 800px wide
    • Sidebar: up to 300px wide


  • Default Bright Pink: #ffa4ad
  • Default Light Pink: #faefee


The default fonts within the Simply Charming theme are available for free on Google Fonts. 

  • Everything: Roboto

Demo Images

All the amazing images you see featured on this site are from Kate Maxwell and can be purchased through her store here.