Market - How to Fix Landing Page that Isn't Mobile Responsive

This tiny line of code was missing from our core files shortly after release. This issue has since been fixed in our files, but some of you may still have this issue on your site.

Look for this section of css in your style.css file:

.content-sidebar-sidebar .content,
.content-sidebar-sidebar .content-sidebar-wrap,
.sidebar-content-sidebar .content,
.sidebar-content-sidebar .content-sidebar-wrap,
.sidebar-sidebar-content .content,
.sidebar-sidebar-content .content-sidebar-wrap,
.site-header .widget-area,
.title-area {
width: 100%;

and change it to:

.content-sidebar-sidebar .content,
.content-sidebar-sidebar .content-sidebar-wrap,
.sidebar-content-sidebar .content,
.sidebar-content-sidebar .content-sidebar-wrap,
.sidebar-sidebar-content .content,
.sidebar-sidebar-content .content-sidebar-wrap,
.site-header .widget-area,
    .market-landing .site-inner {
width: 100%;

I’ve bolded what was added.  Just be sure to not miss that last comma after .title-area.