Delightful Pro - Image Sizes, Colors & Fonts
- Home Slider:680 x 360
- Home Large: 680 x 360
- Home Small: 310 x 160
- Category Index: 200 x 200
- Shop Thumbnail: 180 x 180
- Shop Catalog: 600 x 600
- Shop Single: 300 x 300
- Logo: 640 x 240
- Default Color Scheme
- Green: #b4d13b
- Light Pink: #f5cdda
- Pink: #ee8dba
- Teal: #9ad5ca
- Hot Pink: #ef5488
The default fonts within the Divine theme are available for free on Google Fonts.
- Headings, Site Title, Navigation Menus, Buttons: Roboto Slab
- Main Body Font, Site Description: Roboto