Glamour - Theme Installation

This tutorial will guide you through installing the Genesis Framework and the Glamour theme.

Install the Genesis Framework

All our themes require the Genesis Framework in order to work. If you do not have a copy of this yet, you can purchase it here. This is a one-time purchase and you can use it on as many sites as you like. It also includes lifetime updates.

Download the Genesis Framework to your computer. Do not unzip the files.

If your computer is automatically unzipping this file, you can right click and either hit zip or compress to zip it back up.

Once you have this file saved to your computer, you’ll install the Genesis Framework to WordPress before you upload your Restored 316 theme.

1. Navigate to APPEARANCE > THEMES

2. Click the ADD NEW Button at the top

3. Click the UPLOAD THEME button.

4. Click CHOOSE FILE, browse your computer and select the file. NOTE: It may say or something similar.

5. When the file has been selected, click INSTALL NOW.

Do NOT activate the theme and move on to the next step!


Once Genesis is installed, you’re ready to install your new Restored 316 Glamour theme!

Login to your account at Restored 316

Download your new theme to your computer. Do not unzip the files. 

If your computer is automatically unzipping this file, you can right click and either hit zip or compress to zip it back up.

Once you have this file saved to your computer, you’ll install it to WordPress.

1. Navigate to APPEARANCE > THEMES

2. Click the ADD NEW Button at the top

3. Click the UPLOAD THEME button.

4. Click CHOOSE FILE, browse your computer and select the file. 

5. When the file has been selected, click INSTALL NOW.

6. Click on ACTIVATE and the installation process will begin.


Note: Once the theme installs you will have the opportunity to choose your Home Page Template option.

8. Once the theme is installed, you will receive this confirmation screen.

If you want to keep Home Option #1, you can choose to VIEW or EDIT YOUR HOMEPAGE.

If you would like to use one of the other options, navigate to SETTINGS > READING and change the Homepage field to your choice.


If you'd like to install the demo content from the theme, including all images, download this file to your computer: GLAMOUR DEMO CONTENT.

See this tutorial to install the demo content: INSTALL DEMO CONTENT.