3. Install Demo Content

For those of you just starting out, we have created a demo content file that will help you see what you're doing as you set up your site. 

It includes similar content to the theme demo, such as:

  • sample posts
  • sample pages
  • sample categories
  • sample navigation menus

NOTE: If you already have an established site or are migrating from another platform, please DO NOT INSTALL this content, and continue on to the next step.

Download XML file

1. Navigate to TOOLS > IMPORT.

2. You'll see the WordPress option at the bottom. Click the "Install Now" button.

3. Once it's done installing, you'll click Run Importer.

4.  Choose the sample.xml file in the xml folder of your theme files (on your computer). Click Upload File and Import.

5. Assign all posts to your user profile (click the arrows), check the Download and Import File Attachments button, then click SUBMIT

Allow it a few moments to import everything and you'll be all set!

Next - Add your Shop (optional)